To be in love is a divine feeling. To love and get love in return is for few lucky souls. If you are one who has found love at its best. Then congratulation!! Make your love last, even if he/she is your soul mate or not by keeping the fire alive with this 500 Lovemaking Tips And Secrets For You.

Do you want to know if your relationship will last? Are you counting in those compatibility test and future love predictions scattering in the net? Well, those compatibility test are somewhat helpful and will help you determine if your partner is really the right one for you.

Is your partner your soul mate? How will you know this? The truth is, your love might one day wither away. The days of bliss that you are enjoying will become a memory and the new realities of future may prove to be not very attractive. But if you are soul mates, you both will be able to enjoy life together for a much longer time.

Determining your soul mate is just simple. You don't need any boyfriend girlfriend quizzes out there. You yourself, can tell if your partner is the right one for you. First, do you have a passion, an interest, a hobby -or something you really want to do and always want to do? Does your partner share the same passion with you?! If he/she do then that is plus point that you will have longer years with each other.

After sometime the physical attraction will reduce. The romantic feelings will get battered with time, but your passion for what you enjoy doing will not reduce. If your partner shares the same passion, you will enjoy doing that together, otherwise, you will look for mates with whom you can share your passion and slowly drift away from your partner.

Can you talk to your partner non-stop? It's as if no boring moments with him/her. Like you spent all the time talking and sharing stories with each other? Then, is your partner's attitude alright to you, to your family and friends? If he do then there's no need for you ta ask "does my boyfriend really love me" because the fact that he is good to your family, friends and especially to you, is the proof that he does all you can to make you happy. If he pass these other two qualities. Then he is really your soul mate.

Another love calculator or even a hundreds of them still cant determine whether a person is compatible and right for you. It is your heart that can tell. You yourself holds the key on the answer. But you know what? There's no need to worry about how long your relationship will last and if your partner is your soul mate. Future love predictions can be wrong.

Today is what is important. Just make the best out of your relationship each day and everything else will follow. Love like there's no tomorrow - and you will not have a thing to worry about.